Stinging Insects are Buzzing in Avon Park Area


Hi, everyone! Welcome to Bug Talk. I’m
your host Ryan Haynes and I am here to
tell you what you need to know about
stinging insects.
What is a stinging insect? A stinging
insect is made up of a diverse group of
arthropods. This group is known to
deliver painful stings. Insects in this
group include bees, wasps, hornets and
yellowjackets. Although this group plays
a vital role in our ecosystem they are
also known to have aggressive
behaviors at times.
Stinging insects, especially bees, are
pollinators and play a key role in the
reproduction of many flowering plants.
Without bees, many crops would
decline. Wasps, hornets and
yellowjackets are not associated with
pollination but they also play a crucial
role in the environment. They are
predatory insects that help to control
populations of other pests. Their
predatory nature will reduce damage to
crops and the spread of diseases.
Stinging insects are equipped with
specialized organs for defense. When
an insect stings, it injects venom into its
target. This can result in pain at the site,
swelling and in some cases an allergic
reaction. Although painful, this venom is
a defense mechanism to protect the
insect’s territory or nest.
Bees will generally sting to defend their
hive. Honeybees can only sting once
because their stingers are barbed and
become lodged in the skin. Bees are
highly protective of their colonies. Their
survival depends on the safety of the
Two common stinging insects include
wasps and hornets. Wasps are a broad
category. Specific species include
yellowjackets and paper wasps. Yellow
Jackets are usually small and social.
Wasps can be either solitary or social.
Hornets are a specific subgroup of
wasps. Hornets are typically larger than
most other wasps and are up to 1.5
inches long.
Wasps can look similar to each other but
there are some key differences between
the two. For example, wasps are usually
slender and have an elongated body
with smooth shiny skin. Hornets will
have a more rounded body compared to
other wasps. They often have a striking
appearance and a more noticeable color
pattern. One identifying feature of a
hornet is their head is much larger and
they have a more pronounced waist.
Both insect species are considered
aggressive, especially if their nests are
threatened. A wasp including
yellowjackets can sting multiple times. A
hornet’s sting will typically be more
painful due to the larger size resulting in
more venom being injected.
Wasps tend to build their nests in
locations such as hanging from trees,
under eaves, or in underground
burrows. Hornets will create their
paper-like nest in more protected areas.
Popular spots to locate a hornet nest
include in trees, shrubs or even in the
Having stinging insects around your
home is a major concern for many
homeowners. Especially if someone is
allergic to a stinging insect’s venom.
If you feel you are seeing stinging
insects around your home contact a
pest control specialist to come up with a
treatment plan that is right for you.
Thanks for joining us today. We will see
you next time. Remember, if it crawls or
fly’s, we’re your guys!

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