What’s The Difference Between Carpenter Ants and Termites Avon Park Florida?


Hi, everyone! Welcome to Bug Talk. I’m
your host Ryan Haynes and I am here to
tell you what you need to know about
the difference between carpenter ants
and termites.

The first thing you need to know about
carpenter ants is they are often
confused with termites. Since carpenter
ants can have wings and live in wood it
can be difficult for homeowners to
determine whether they are seeing
signs of carpenter ants or termites.

Something that might surprise you to
know about carpenter ants is they are
very clean. They take the time to
remove wood shavings, food debris and
dead ants from their nests. This
cleanliness can leave evidence of their
presence. Homeowners may see piles
of coarse sawdust and dead ants along

Carpenter ants tend to forage for food
primarily at night. They prefer to eat
sweets, meat and even pet food. They
can travel up to 100 yards in search of
food which can make locating their nest
a challenge.

Carpenter ants are often confused with
termites. Since carpenter ants can have
wings and live in wood it can be difficult
for homeowners to determine whether
they are seeing signs of carpenter ants
or termites.

Termites can cause severe damage to a
home and many people don’t realize
they have termites until termites swarm.
This can be alarming to homeowners.
There are several types of termites
found in Florida. The most common
termites are Subterranean, Drywood,
and Formosan.

Signs of a termite infestation include
mud tubes present found near the
foundation walls or exterior of buildings.
Since termites consume wood from the
inside, wood can become soft or hollow
as they eat. Termite frass or droppings
can appear as fine sawdust or tiny
pellets. As moisture from termite activity
is introduced to surrounding wood paint
can blister or bubble. Any of these signs
can be evidence of a possible termite

Swarmers or flying termites can often
emerge in large numbers. Signs of a
termite swarm include wings present
near window sills. The confusion
between termites and carpenter ants for
home owners is they both can have
wings and swarm.

There are a few differences between the
two. For example, termites tend to be
small and carpenter ants are usually
larger. Termites consume the cellulose
in wood and carpenter ants tunnel
through wood but do not eat the wood.
Termites can be active year-round,
especially in the spring/summer.
Carpenter ants tend to be active in
warmer months and typically come out
at night.

The treatment for carpenter ants and
termites are very different. Depending
on the type of termite the residence may
require a ground treatment along the
perimeter of the home or a fumigation.
Carpenter ant treatments may need
specialized chemicals to get the
problem under control.

If you are not sure if you are seeing
carpenter ants or possible termites be
sure to contact a pest control specialist
today. A professional will be able to
determine what type of pest you are
seeing and come up with a treatment
plan that is right for you. Thanks for
joining us today. We will see you next
time. Remember, if it crawls or fly’s,
we’re your guys!